Comic Adventures

23. X-Force



This week, we go back in time to the early 90s to talk about the one and only X-Force. We discuss Cable's team of young vigilantes, questionable anatomy, clothing that is literally painted on, Gideon and Cruel's troubled marriage, and gratuitous amounts of pockets. So bodyslide by one into your chair and settle in for a long one! (X-Force Epic Collection: Under the Gun is by Rob Liefeld and Fabian Nicieza)   Things we discuss Invisible Man by Ralph Eliison Connection Lost and Lost Haven by Carrie Peach X-Factor (the comic and the reality show) Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men (Melissa listened to episodes 181, 189, and 195)   Find us online at: (Melissa) (Andrew) Wanna throw a buck or two our way? Check out our Ko-Fi!   For extended show notes, visit our blog! Questions or comments? Email us at Comic Adventures is a project of Let’s Make Comics, a Chicago-based comics collective, and produced by Andrew