Centauri Express Audio Magazine

Sarabande for a Condemned Man



Untitled Document Welcome again to the ARTC Podcast, your monthly source for free, original audio drama! This month: Size: 15.5M Duration: 34:16 This month we bring you Sarabande for a Condemned Man by Kelley S. Ceccato, performed live at Dragon*Con, Sunday, September 4, 2011. New Radio Theatre New Radio Theatre is a weekly radio show that is broadcast on KCNR out of Redding, CA. They've run several of ARTC's recordings in the past, mostly our live material, and now they're hosting a friendly competition amongst the various radio theatres around the country! Each writer could submit one or more radio plays to the contest and now the time has come to vote for the winners. ARTC is being represented by two of our newest and best writers with distinctly different styles. Kelley S. Ceccato has submitted Sarabande for a Condemned Man, performed live at Dragon*Con 2011. (Hey, that's this podcast!) Sketch MacQuinor has submitted The Game is Afoot! Game the First: The Adventure of the Phantom C