Centauri Express Audio Magazine

The Rats in the Walls-LIVE part 2 of 4



We're really sorry we missed our normal publication time this month! Car trouble impeded our progress. But we're back on track now! EDIT: We forgot the link to the actual audio! It's here now! Those of you looking for it can find it now! [esplayer url = "http://traffic.libsyn.com/artc/ARTC163-Rats02.mp3" width = "80" height = "20" title = "The Rats in the Walls-LIVE part 2 of 4"] [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Tony Fuller practices breaking some kneecaps in case this ever happens again.[/caption] This month we continue with The Rats in the Walls from our 2012 performance. With music by The Ghosts Project, it was a really creepy experience. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="332"] Robert Drake is really creeped out.[/caption] The creepiness was enhanced by the lighting wizardry of Robert Drake. We don't always have the luxury of special lighting at our live shows. At most of our convention appearances we usually just have the ballroom lights of the room we're performing in, so being abl