
ana022: AGENDA 21 Doesn't Exist | Free Market Nature Preserves | Who's Down With PPP?



 We expand on some of the AGENDA 21 topics raised in episode #ana021. We expand on Smart Growth, libertarian approaches to preserving nature, and Public-Private Partnerships.  Use hashtag #ana022 to reference this episode in a tweet, post, or comment  View full show notes at ----more----   Intro #ana021 was like drinking from a fire hose. This episode is smooth sippin'. Discussion Revisiting Smart Growth Rosa Koire - Throws out the baby with the bathwater A better criticism of Smart Growth, from Strong Towns Smart Growth is planned growth? Babcock Ranch, FL - The first 100% solar city Agenda 21 doesn't exist? Libertarian approaches to preservation American Prairie Reserve (APR) Are the Rockefellers still relevant? Economic power vs. coercive power - gutting local ranching industries The Totality of Morality Putting price on the land Federal lands - preserved for resource extraction Bison will always be cattle to me Federal land reclamation movement