
ana027: 11 Spooky Fears About Short-Term Rentals | ASSUAGED!!!



 Tim rents his home as a short-term rental on summer weekends. Why is this so scary to everyone else?  We discuss eleven fears about short-term rentals, one of which is legitimate. Fear not, we have a non-governmental solution for that one. All others will be #ASSUAGED!!!  11 Fears About Short Term Home Rentals Fear #1 - Home rentals hurt a town's "character" Fear #2 - Home rentals make housing less affordable Fear #3 - Home rentals are unsafe Fear #4 - Home rentals are not in compliance with building codes Fear #5 - Home rentals are not licensed and inspected as lodging places Fear #6 - Home rentals are preparing and serving food without a license Fear #7 - Home rentals are not ADA / FHA compliant for accessibility for people with disabilities Fear #8 - Home rentals do not have adequate insurance Fear #9 - Home rentals are not paying taxes Fear #10 - Home rentals are unfair competition to hotels Fear #11 - Home rentals are creating nuisances Use hashtag #ana027 to reference this episode in a