Ruf Arkansas

"Who touched me?" | An Invitation to be Known in Suffering \\ Mark 5:24-34



We begin a new series this Fall entitled, "Questions from Jesus: Invitations to Grow." Jesus' first recorded words was a question (only 12 years old in Luke 2:50!). In the gospels he asks almost 300 questions! Why? Questions stretch us and force us to deal with issues we often try to avoid. The claim of the semester is that Jesus asks us questions as invitations for us to grow - both in self-awareness of who we are and in our knowledge of God and who He is. Each week we look at a different interaction where Jesus asks someone a question. I invite you to take Jesus' questions seriously - he's asking you because he loves you and wants you to grow!This week we see a nameless, faceless woman who has been bleeding for 12 years and is desperate to be healed. She comes to Jesus from behind and touches his garments, hoping he can heal her. We will see that this woman is desperate to be healed. Suffering has stolen her dignity. But we will also see that Jesus is desperate to find this woman be