Sns Online

SNS Online Series 2 - Ben McGarvey (Minute Taker)



"McGarvey is a young singer/songwriter with that rarest of things in the genre; imagination." – Clash "Epic, otherworldly sounds in an intimate show, with digital trickery framing trad folk singer-songwritery fare." - The Guardian "McGarvey has locked himself away in his bedroom and crafted songs of true otherworldly magic and splendour." - Manchester Evening News "A haunting take on modern folk." - Red Online In this, the first of two Manchester based SNS Onlines, Nick Randell visits locally-based alternative songwriter/producer, *Ben McGarvey, AKA Minute Taker, to talk about his musical inspirations, his song writing process and that indefinable creative 'spark' that goes into developing and releasing his own particular brand of music. With many examples of Minute Taker’s work taken from his first two critically acclaimed albums, Too Busy Framing and Last Things, plus an exclusive/live performance from Ben, this is a show to be enjoyed by both fans and newcomers alike! SNS Online continues to offer a