Sns Online

SNS Online Series 5 - Trail: The Five Debaters



Trail of 'The Five Debaters', featuring past guests, Katy Manning, Paul Joseph, Gail Renard and Andy Cast, on how things, including their own lives, have changed in the last 10 years. A lively debate covering #MeToo, Operation Yewtree, Brexit, Veganism, Trump, environmental issues inc. plastic waste, the first female Doctor Who, #LGBTQ issues, technology inc. smart phones/Alexa/Seri and much more. Presenter, Nick Randell, throws his script away and tries to join in. It's the best dinner party conversation you could possibly hope to eavesdrop on! Link to show HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY, SNS!! X :-) SNS Online continues to offer an eclectic range of quality programming - free to download - to all like-minded people out there in cyber-space. These shows are independent podcasts produced to the highest professional standards and are non-profit making. So please enjoy, download and share these shows on all your lovely social media