Mega Late Show

MLS015: "I Love 'Dope'" ft. MissInglewood



Yoooooooooooo! MLS official five-alarm alert!!! ATTENTION to all TANAKA'S!!! Mega Late Show has a new unofficial 7th member, the guest of this episode, Beatriz Moreno a.k.a. MissInglewood!!!! Honestly, she's out here killing it so much we're not only extremely grateful she's decided to purify our horrible goon-gang environment, but the amount of information and just being straight up interestingness she brought to this episode can't be understated. With a heavy history in the underground scene in L.A., from being NOCANDO's documenter and also being affiliated with DeaThLA and SNATCHPOWER, to holding it down here in Tokyo with Bae Tokyo while also establishing SNATCHPOWER Tokyo and DeaThTK, Bea is a busy woman (not female)! Listen as she tries to keep the focus on and talk about her herself as we engage in mindless, albeit hilarious, juvenile cross-talk to almost no avail! Plus ALL of MLS was in the building, shout-out to d, Vell, and Keen Kong! This description is too long!! Peace to the old gods & the new,