Mega Late Show

MLS #58: The Cram, Illsugi, and Matatabi Episode



Cram, Matatabi and Illsugi are 3 of Japans dopest beatmakers. Cram recently release his dope new LP, The Lord. (Definitely go buy that shit.) Our listeners will know that were huge fans of these guys and are super hyped to bring them into the studio. The three of them let us know about growing up in japan and how they got into hip-hop culture. They let us know about the changes that the beat scene has undergone over the last two decades and also their musical tastes. Our listeners will recognize their names as dudes who are consistently performing here in tokyo. Because English isnt their first language we had the mighty Marvell to help translate when needed. Dahlinger was with us for the first half of the episode as well. Go buy and listen to all their music immediately. Also subscribe, hit that reshare, and rate the mega late show 5 stars on itunes. Weather Reports: Mega - Go Yama - Moth to Light Cram - I just Show You (feat Fly Anakin) Illsugi - Unreleased song from upcoming album Matatabi - Unrelea