Mega Late Show

Temperature Check: 2 Hands Up (a-k-a "A Poor Man's Run The Jewels") w/ Mega Ran



Back with another one! The homey Mega Ran hopped on the line and to talk about what's been going on with him. We get into politics, surviving and growing during a pandemic, plans that had to be delayed due to the pandemic, and Twitch'ing for 3 hours every day!(!!) And, we speak on his project with Slum Village member Young RJ, 2 Hands Up. 2 Hands Up dropped earlier this year and has proven to be one of the best projects released in 2020. With it's tone and subject matter, it proved to be as timely as it was powerful. I can't praise and talk it up enough, so if you haven't listened to it yet, go peep that!! Ran also details how the project came together and what the future holds for him and 2 Hands Up, which he refers to as "a poor man's Run The Jewels". Speaking of jewels, there are many dropped also throughout this convo especially as far as moves independent artists should make to evolve their grind. Listen & do your googles. It's been a HELLACIOUS year, but the finish line is in sight! Big shouts to the