Mega Late Show

MLS 135: "the 5th element is Aether" featuring Deza & Ro Morikawa w/ Jet Axel



Universal greetings! Deza and Ro Morikawa are two of the newer faces in Tokyo music community. Both of them moved to Tokyo a little over a year ago and met through their English company. Deza is an emcee/ producer and Ro is pianist/ vocalist and producer. After a series of serendipitous events, they both found out that each other made music. So they decided come together, make some music and release the Pick EP. Go check that out all the streaming joints and also on fridays episode. Here on part one we take sometime to find out how they met and how they came together to make music. Also... - Ottawa and Virginia - Moving to Tokyo right before corona times - Poetry, Burroughs, the cut up method - Connecting with people in Tokyo - Normalizing complimenting men - What is hip-hop culture? Taking classes, defining it. @Rhythmcafe Nombe Dojo Musical Bed by Soul.dope.95 @jetaxel @morikawarollin @dezatoosweet @soul.dope.95 Outro : Nair B featuring Mj the Sensei & Hondo Felder - Earth's Children