Mega Late Show

MLS 138: "Patterns Speak Louder" featuring Ktea 3ntertainer w/ Fab Five Tokyo Naomi



Shitty teachers beware! New episode featuring Ktea 3ntertainer! She is a dancer, YouTube content creator, and human connector. If you're in Tokyo may have seen Ktea at Speak Easy, on the Tokyo version of Pharell's Entrepreneur video directed by Darryl Wharton Rigby, or perhaps her interview with the Black Experience Japan YouTube channel. Joining in as guest host is friend of the show, Naomi Kawahara, of Fab Five Tokyo and co-founder of Japan For Black Lives. Here we discuss a variety of things such as: - Ktea's unique upbringing in Japan and the States - figure skating, dancing and gatekeepers - being known for her appearances on other people's content and creating her own - Japanese schools, Ktea's younger sister and shitty teachers PSA: Tracy Jones - Humancloud Abandonment re-released on Uncommon Records Musical Bed by #IllSugi ! Check out his album Warp Haze on #coldbusted Outro song: #Jinmenusagi "IDU" produced by #Ghostpops for #Tokyodopecity Find both Ktea 3ntertainer and Naomi on YouTube by