Take Off Your Cool

Episode 56: 20SlayTeen



Time's Up For _________? In this first episode of 2018, Major and Lise bring in the new year by discussing the Bold and the Baeless including Nikki and Nas ending the relationship that never was, and Drake is still out here for everybody, a questionable housewife is expecting and one more Kardashian pregnancy is confirmed, Nashville has a reason to be excited about football in Balls and All, Must-See TV includes Atlanta returning, a massive crossover in Shondaland, Grownish and Love (or something like it) and Hip-Hop (or whatever) in Miami, Family Feud and Finessee videos have us in our feelings, Blue Ivy's birthday wishes remind us how poor we are, and much more.  For Let's Talk About It Sis, the ladies talk Time's Up, the show of solidarity for awards season, the challenge of imperfect allyship and why American doesn't deserve Oprah in 2020 or beyond.  The year's ashy start burns Lise's biscuits, and Major says wait a minute Mr. Postman. A Tennessee woman who gives us hope and an Alabama woman who showed us