Her Stem Story

Episode 129 - How To Conquer Any Crisis With Confidence



Few quick steps to start facing any crisis that comes your way! With India and the rest of world back in the grip of COVID-19, its essential we talk about this important and urgent skill for minorities in STEM and beyond.   Call to action: Send this quick and sincere message to your colleagues and friends in COVID hot spots - "Hi {first name}, Heard about the devastation and the COVID crisis in your region and wanted to reach out and extend my support. I hope your family is doing ok. Please let me know how I can support you in this tough time."   Help COVID-19 efforts in India: https://pmcares.gov.in/en/ https://give2asia.org/covid-19-pandemic-response-india/ https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/donate   I am here to help, please schedule a chat with me if you like: https://calendly.com/prashadutra/how-can-i-help