Ai With Ai

Poetein Folding



In COVID-related AI news, Andy and Dave discuss a Facebook model that provides county-level forecasts on the spread of COVID-19. IN non-COVID AI news, DeepMind’s AlphaFold 2 won the 14th biennial Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP), scoring above 90 on a global distance test for around two-thirds of the test proteins. Partnership on AI establishes The AI Incident Database (AIID) to provide an open-access resource on failures of AI systems, currently containing over 1,000 publically available “incident reports.” CSET publishes a report on ‘”Cool Projects” or “Expanding the Efficiency of the Murderous American War Machine?”’ which examines the perspectives of US AI industry professional toward working on Department of Defense funded AI projects. The UN, in conjunction with Trend Micro Research and the European Cybercrime Centre, releases a report on Malicious Uses and Abuses of AI, which highlights the potential physical impacts of hackers on autonomous- and AI-related technologies. And LtGen Mic