Ai With Ai

Sokoban, and Thanks for All the Fish!



Listener Survey In COVID-related AI news, Andy and Dave discuss a machine learning transformer model from Facebook AI and the NYU School of Medicine that uses x-rays to determine whether a COVID patient might need more intensive care. A for-pay report from Synced provides a survey of China’s AI efforts in response to COVID-19. In regular AI news, European Parliament members adopt guidelines for military and non-military uses of AI. Meanwhile, the UK Competition and Markets Authority cautions that algorithms can damage online competition and should face regulatory scrutiny. Researchers at NOIRLab use machine learning to identify just over 1200 potential new gravitational lenses. Researchers at Harvard use fish-inspired robots to demonstrate coordinated swarm movements without any outside control. Nature provides reflections from various authors on AI. And the AI Newsletter compiles a list of the 100 most influential people in AI. In research topics, researchers at Cornell demonstrate a curriculum strategy to