Ai With Ai




Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news, including the release of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Unmanned Campaign Framework, which describes the desired approach to developing and deploying unmanned systems. Google employees demand stronger laws to protect AI researchers, in the wake of the firings of Gebru and Mitchell. Hour One debuted technology that creates fully digital and photorealistic AI personas for the purposes of content creation, such as welcome receptionist or information desk. Pennsylvania state law now allows for autonomous delivery robots to use sidewalks and operate on roads. The U.S. Army announces the availability of a training set for facial recognition that also includes thermal camera images, which it will make available for “valid scientific research.”  In research, Facebook AI demonstrates an algorithm capable of human-level performance in Diplomacy (no-press), using an equilibrium search to reason about what the other players are reasoning; the algorithm achieved a rank of 23 ou