Ai With Ai

Mnemosyne That Before



Andy and Dave discuss the latest AI news and research, including a blog post from the Federal Trade Commission that businesses can and will be held accountable for the fairness of their algorithms. A bipartisan coalition of U.S. Senators has introduced the “Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act,” which would ban law enforcement and intelligence agencies from buying data on people in the U.S. and about Americans abroad, if that data was obtained from a user’s account or device, through deception, hacking or other violations of privacy policies or terms of service. Bob Work releases his seven Principles for the Combat Employment of Weapon Systems with Autonomous Functionalities; these principles go into much greater detail about employment and provide a useful way to discuss issues surrounding autonomous weapons. The Congressional Research Service provides a short, but dense overview on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems. The Ozcan Research Group and UCLA publish research that identifies handwritten numbers by usi