Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 72: War of Kings Good, Darkhawk Bad



Our coverage of the massive, mammoth ANNIHILATION SAGA continues. We're eight episodes in, and the end is...well it's in sight but it's still a speck on the horizon! We've left the Annihilation War & the Conquest War behind us. The bugs are gone. The bots are gone too. We've even done a bit of galaxy guarding in between bouts of invasions that may or may not be a secret. Does that mean things have calmed down? Haha, oh you sweet summer child. Things are never easy in Marvel cosmic.This time, things take a turn for the royal as Vulcan & Black Bolt, the Shi'ar and the Kree, duke it out in the War of Kings! We're reading, brace yourselves, "War of Kings: Darkhawk" #1-2, "Nova" #23-25, "War of Kings" #1-3, "War of Kings: Warriors" #1-2, "War of Kings: Ascension" #1-2 and "Guardians of the Galaxy" #13 (with a sneaky "War of Kings: Savage Sword of Skaar" #1 in there too.) And if that's not enough, we even have a bespoke reading order."War of Kings: Darkhawk" #1"Nova" #23"War of Kings: Darkhawk" #2"