
080: Apple's next big software thing, with Christina Warren



Confession: After the Life and Death of Twitter episode, the recorders kept rolling and all the big brains shared their thoughts on the rumored "Marzipan" iOS and macOS cross-development platform. Christina Warren of Microsoft joins to add context to everyone's hopes, dreams... and fears.   Links Christina Warren - @film_girl Loren Brichter - @lorenb John Gruber - @gruber Paul Haddad - @tapbot_paul Craig Hockenberry - @chockenberry Ben Sandofsky - @sandofsky Greg Pierce - @agiletortoise Apple Plans Combined iPhone, iPad & Mac Apps to Create One User Experience Rocket Channel 9   VECTOR on YOUTUBE is here — Subscribe now! Vector on YouTube Subscribe via: Apple Podcasts Overcast Pocket Casts Castro RSS Follow on: Web Twitter Instagram Facebook