Guys With Pencils

Episode - 065 - Open & Honest With Andy Belanger



Andy Belanger is one bad ass comic artist! Don't believe me? Check out his site of Bad-assery! -->CLICK HERE!Like what you saw? Of course you did!! Want to know how Andy got to be so good at what he does?? Then you're in luck because we got to talk with him this week!!!Andy is currently working on his mini comic BLACK CHURCH!  Andy was getting tired of doing things for other people other publishers or coming up with what would sell to a massive market. He started feeling like creators need to start behaving more like bands. He wants to play the music he wants to play and if you don't like it well too freakin' bad for you. Straight up... He's a metal head.ALSO!Looking for tickets and info on  TAAFI events?? --> CLICK HERE!!!