Guys With Pencils

Episode - 164 - I Guess It's Good Enough?



So is it good enough? What sets apart someone's work opposed to another? What are the qualities that a production team look for when hiring? Is there more to just being a good drafts person? How does something terrible get green lit and continue to be broadcast? We fumble around these questions as we talk about what makes something good enough to be shown on TV.  It's not really the kind of talk where you can pin point the exact answers, but none the less it's still a good discussion to have. Remember! This is your LAST WEEK to win tickets to our TAAFI PANELS! Just draw a funny picture of Adam and Andrew then tweet it with the hashtag #gwpcontest to @guyswithpencils & @andrewmurrman Winners will be informed by email and you'll get 2 tickets to 1 of 3 panels we will be hosting at TAAFI!