
Major iOS 14 Leak Analysis



So, here’s what seems to have happened: An internal build of iOS 14, which previous reports have pegged as “Azul”, the Spanish or Portuguese word for “blue”, got leaked. Now, this has happened before. Sometimes they were accidentally left and found on the public web, sometimes someone didn’t get what they want or were upset with someone in their reporting chain, so they had a little tantrum and leaked it, and sometimes someone just wants to see the world, and their team’s work, burn. Regardless, these aren’t betas. Those typically come on keynote day in June. These are internal development builds and are made for internal, developer-fused hardware, and require an internal restore process to run. So, when these builds do leak, you need someone who not only understands code, but code diving and reverse engineering to go through the binary and see what clues can be found in icons, text strings, class names, and more. I am not one of those people. I’m the opposite of one of those people. So, if I described any of