Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Why You Should Sail The Greek Islands- Marta On The Move Episode 72



Hello everyone!   This post is long overdue!  This summer I went on a solo trip to learn to sail in the Greek Islands.  I had quite the adventure, and an interesting connection that was made during travel plans.  In short, captain of the boat I was going to sail with had an emergency, and had to leave.  This left me with no place to go 2 weeks before my trip!  I was still holding out hope in trying to sail, so I reached out to a group online Girls Love Travel, and simply posted this-   “Help! My Captain of the boat left, and I am now struggling to find a new boat to stay on.  Anyone know anyone in Greece with a boat? Thanks!”  A gal came forward in the comments section by the name of Jessie Stele.  Let’s go back even farther now…  *time warp* Marta On The Move grew up attending a very small school called Our Lady Of Fatima, a Catholic grade school that she attending for 8 years.  To give you an idea how small it was, there were 5 gals in our 8th grade graduating class.  Heading to public school the following