Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

City Of Play- Marta On The Move Episode 78



#78 City Of Play- Adam Nelson and Greg Manley I have been waiting for this episode for probably about two years.  I have covered other events for City Of Play, and am a HUGE fan of this organization.  I feel as though I was just waiting for the perfect moment to record, maybe even waiting to get to know the organizers better.  I just knew, I wanted to wait to record to bring their story to all of you, and I am glad I did.  In the two years I have known them, they have become very great friends, and it just made this episode that much more fulfilling to record. Adam and Greg are awesome, they provide an invaluable service to our city. "City of Play is a creative agency that designs interactions and builds real-world games for businesses and communities."  This is what the description is on their website. City Of Play is so much more than that though, it is about relationships, team building, engaging the people, and places in, and around our city.  It is about FUN, pure fun, and working together without scorn,