Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Tips For The Nervous Scuba Diver EP 84 MOTM



Diving is one of my favorite activities, but even I get nervous when I am not prepared.  I have put together some of the things that make, at least for me, a solid base for a successful dive.  I am sure others have their routines they go through, and I would love to hear about them.  Please post if you have something you always do, aside from the regular checks that help make your dive a great one.  Follow me at @icantfindmarta, on Facebook or check out my podcasts on the Epicast TV.   NO CAFFEINE-  Usually, you wake up pretty early to go diving, and if you didn't get a good night sleep, you will be tired and cranky. For me, I have to resist that morning espresso.  I had one once before I went diving, not thinking it would effect me, but my nerves were shot, and I was shaky.  My buoyancy was terrible, and I was breathing more rapidly, and shallow under the water. I knew it was because my heart rate was elevated from the espresso I had hours ago.  It kicked in when I needed it LEAST.  A great learning lesson f