Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Rico Gagliano - Dinner Party Download Episode 88 Marta On The Move Podcast



#88 Rico Gagliano Rico Gagliano is creator, and co host of Dinner Party Download, and I was lucky enough to snag him as he was passing through Pittsburgh to chill with me for a podcast session.  This meant a lot to me, guys.  Dinner Party Download was one of two podcasts (Nerdist being the other), that inspired me to start my own show. I love DPD, and still listen to this day (If you don't you are a fool). It is a delightful, cultural blend, that has everything you want out of a podcast.  Jokes, icebreakers, celebrity guests, music choices, cuisine, and etiquette all surrounding a dinner party. So what happens when you get two podcasters in a room together?  A lot of awesome conversation, and that is what you are going to get right here.  Rico Gagliano has worked in public radio for over a decade, so the guy knows how to speak, and has ties to  our beloved Pittsburgh.  He attended Pitt for Film Studies, wrote for Pittsburgh City Paper, and the Post Gazette.  After that, Rico moved on to be a reporter for "Mar