Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Kellee Maize and Jimmy McNichol Ep- 90 Marta On The Move



#90 Kellee Maize and Jimmy McNichol Kellee Maize is a sensation on the internet.  This white female rapper, singer, and song writer has over 9 million downloads, and continues to grow that number daily.  Maize is the number one person that pops up in your browser when you search for female rappers, and is about to release her 7th album since 2008.  This one woman powerhouse is far more than just her title though. In 2006 Maize started her own events, and marketing company called Nakturnal . Since then she has become a live speaker, advising startup companies in the music industry, and Huffington Post contributor on how to make music affordably.  Maize is also an activist, using her music to speak out for women's rights, and her personal political views.  Her music parody "Make Love Not Trump" , is a personal favorite of mine. Oh, and I forgot to mention, the icing on the cake is, she is also from Pittsburgh. Maize's rise to success was not an easy one, and I came upon finding this talented lady, because of a