Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

The Do's and Don'ts of Voluntouring



102 The Do's and Don'ts of Voluntouring It is the start of a new year. To me, that means new plans, new travels, and new experiences. A clean slate. One of my favorite things to think on when the new year hits is TRAVEL. If you are a follower, you probably could have guessed that. ;) WHERE TO? This is a question I hear, and get asked quite a bit. It is no secret that my favorite type of travel is solo. You can check out my 5 Reasons You Should Travel Alone At Least Once In Your Life episode to hear why, so I won't go into it again. My other favorite inclusion of traveling alone, is working abroad. Volunteering for something that may be different from anything you have experienced before. This subject has been getting a lot of flak lately. So I wanted to put my two cents in, talk about why I love it, and also give some tips if you are thinking of joining a project, or are already on one right now. In my mind, Voluntouring is an opportunity to gain new perspective, try a new task, acquire experience in somethi