Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Comedian Aaron Kleiber. Live Special Comedy Show, and Life on the Road. Episode 103



#104 Aaron Kleiber Aaron Kleiber has been on my show once before when I hosted a charity event at Arcade Comedy. He is a hilariously funny human being, and is about to take to the stage once more to record a special one hour live comedy show here in Pittsburgh at the Carnegie Music Hall of Homestead on March 3rd. You should be there, it is being recorded, and will hopefully air on national television one day. You heard it here first! Aside from his exciting news, I really wanted to talk with him about his life on the road. This guy travels the entire realm of North America, frequently. He is married with three kids, and comedy is his full time job. Listeners will get some hilarious stories about him on the road with other comedians he has worked with, including- Bob Sagat. Aspiring comedians could use a tip or two from him on how to balance that work/life relationship while traveling. Aaron gives a ton of helpful suggestions. Also, how to own up into loving yourself and what you do. YOU ARE WORTHY!   At one p