Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Cinema Psychos Show Podcast Hosts Join Marta On The Move to Chat Horror Films



#117 Cinema Psychos Show Podcast October is here (my goodness it came way too early) which means I am knee deep into the lead up to Halloween features for the show, and discovering all sorts of horror movies to watch. I have a special affinity for B horror films, and love finding new ones. When I was younger I always wanted to be a film critic. I had visions of myself sitting next to Roger Ebert at 12 years of age, giving my take on the latest film to arise. It is one of the reasons I love film review podcasts. There are a few great ones here in Pittsburgh, and the top two in my mind are You Can't Handle The Truth Podcast and Cinema Psychos Show Podcast. I have had YCHTT on the show before, and was excited to sit down with THE Cinema Psychos- Brian  Cottington, Laine Wooliscroft and John Wooliscroft (Johnny Nitro). This was a super fun discussion about three friends who met over their love of film, and film making. We chat our favorite B horror movie titles, and I got to discover a bunch that I had never hear