Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

#123 "Khuraki" Explores The Story of Five Strong Afghan Refugee Woman In Pittsburgh Through Food.



#123 Real Time Interventions All around us in Pittsburgh there are refugees that are displaced in our city, trying to make a home, adapt to our Pittsburgh lifestyle, and also keep their roots and traditions alive and vibrant. Some woman are trying to do that by opening an Afghan restaurant in the city and are raising funds for it. Enter Real Time Interventions. This theater company is one of my favorites because they take their love of theater, intimate experiences and fold it into topics that are hard to swallow in today’s world. They make these subjects digestible and relatable to all. What is more relatable than food? Everyone loves to eat, and the kitchen is known as the heart of the home, the dining table is where the conversations flourish. People meet across different cultures through cuisine. Rusty Thelin and Molly Rice run Real Time Interventions. Their show called “Khuraki” which literally means “Food” in the Afghan language , pairs an actress with a afghan refugee woman in Pittsburgh. It strives to