Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Ryan O'Shea Talks the Future of Technology on Marta On The Move Podcast



#124 Ryan O Shea Technology is scary. As I am drinking my new addicting matcha with almond milk, and typing on my laptop that I desperately need to A. Update, or B. Buy a new one. I say to myself NOOOOO keep it the same. Marta! I am terrified of the unknown, the new gadget, the learning and stretching of my brain that I cannot control, and frankly think I am too outdated to learn. Anyone else feel like that? I hope so, I hope it isn’t just me. Secretly terrified my laptop will die, and I am forced to face another new form of technological breakthroughs that will "simplify" your life. LIES I TELL YOU! I am scared of “Big brother” but try not to dwell on it. I have a fear of my niece and nephews being cyborgs and latching onto their internet devices from young age and never letting go. Ready Player One is real in my mind and it scares the ever living shit out of me, yes entices me. If it doesn’t scare you, you probably didn’t grow up before the 80’s. lol Stick with me here, I hope I still have you reading. ther