Let's Talk Near Death

Ep#14 Tony Woody



Retired Chief Petty Officer Tony Woody came within a hairs bredth of death when the plane he was in crash landed onto the side of the runway. He recalls the event first hand, whilst also observing it from outside of the plane, separate to his body. But this was only the beginning, with the second part of his NDLE taking place just two days later when he encountered a being of light in the night. In this episode, Tony shares both parts to his experience, and how his life has been profoundly changed since. _____________________ Kirsty Salisbury is a speaker, podcaster, author and coach. From traumatic illness and paralysis as a child, she now loves helping others to create healthier happier lives and to design their best future. Her passions are being active and spending time with her family. As the host of The Let's Talk Life Design, Let's Talk Near Death and The Regretless Living Podcasts, she aims to help empower and inspire everyday people to live their best lives, and die their best deaths. The Life Design