Let's Talk Near Death

Ep#16 Dr. Jeff O'Driscoll



Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll, was an emergency physician who, from time to time, received messages that helped him care for patients. Occasionally they led me to a diagnosis he hadn’t considered. Some people, however, were simply too ill or too injured to survive. And, when a patient died, sometimes he saw their spirit—their eternal essence—leave their body. It was in the ED that Dr. O’Driscoll witnessed an incredible event. He saw the wife of a man who had just experienced a horrific car accident. Both had been travelling together along with their two children. The wife died in the accident, whilst her husband, Jeff Olsen, experienced a profound NDE. The connection following this event have been life changing for both Jeff’s, and they have been close friends ever since. Today I chat with Dr. O’Driscoll, not only about this profound experience, but other experiences he has had, and his incredible time in the medical profession. ____________ More of Jeff at: www.jeffodriscoll.com In his latest book, Not Yet, Dr. Jeff