Let's Talk Near Death

Ep#49 Tamara Caulder Richardson



Tamara Caulder Richardson (also known as The Southern Belle Medium) is a 6-time Near-Death Experiencer.   At the age of 5, Tamara left her body as she travelled to hospital with severe pneumonia.  With collapsed lungs, Tamara was put into an induced coma for 3 days, where she met with Jesus. Today, Tamara is a speaker, and a medium delivering heavenly messages with the supernatural abilities she received.  Tamara is also the leader of the IANDS Charlotte group. To find more of Tamara, you can visit: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/southernbellemedium?ref=bookmarkshttps://www.facebook.com/tamaracaulderrichardson?ref=bookmarks   Twitter: https://twitter.com/TamSouthBelle  Instagram: Southern Belle Medium on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/tamaracaulderrichardson/   https://www.instagram.com/southernbellemedium  Tamara’s Christ Channeling website:www.christacademyoflove.com Youtube, Christ Academy of Love: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ5cLwJC-AO7TJzKm7MuY5A And Tamara’s book ‘Love From Heaven