Way Of The Heart

Resolutions that Stick



Summary Jake and Brett discuss how setting New Years resolutions is actually about growth in virtue. They share from their professional experience about how to make your resolutions become reality. Guiding Scripture “When the days drew near for him to be received up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:51)   Key points Live as though when you wake up the enemy says, “Oh crap, she’s (he’s) awake.” Growing in benevolent detachment Is great for the way of the heart Discipline leads to freedom If you are working for and in the kingdom of God, you are under spiritual attack all the time “I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid” (Gen 3:10) Resolve is seeing something through to the end Roughly 8% of people actually carry out their resolutions Good resolutions are where our intention actually becomes reality Resolutions are good if they keep us focused on what really matters Resolutions will be require steadfastness and the journey is often better than the end - the journey offers immense value “Many