Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet

160 Andrea Szew (USA Immigration Lawyer - Szew Law Group)



Ever wanted to work in the USA like me?   Last year I was in Los Angeles and the USA under the ESTA Visa Waiver Program for just under 3 months to explore what Los Angeles was like as a place to be based for work - to see if there was another side to the City of Angels away from the plastic fantastic and then based on these experiences, decide if I wished to pursue the O1 Visa as an option to work in the USA (also known as the O1 Alien of Extraordinary Ability Visa - yes, that’s what it’s called).    Now any Australian who has spent time in Los Angeles with a Green Card, E3 or O1 Visa will tell you that they have the best US Immigration Lawyer in the USA ever! And chances are that they might, but it’s not all cut & dried and there are some key things that you need to know before you go splash the cash on securing a lawyer in the hopes of chasing the American dream.   This week on Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet! I chat with Los Angeles-based US International Business and Immigration lawyer, Andrea S