Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet

176 Sarah Findlay ('Our Deepest Secrets Revealed' podcast + Dawn 'til Dusk PR)



SUPER podcast chats with Sarah Findlay, LA-based publicist and host of the 'Our Deepest Secrets Revealed' podcast. We chat about: ‘Our Deepest Secrets Revealed’ podcast. A podcast designed help people heal their wounds so they can develop a healthy sense of self-love. We talk intimately about love, sex, dating and relationships. Over 1,000 downloads in 2 months. 2 episodes we cover. Orgasms - The Female Perspective. What’s happening to relationships? Why are so many adults single? Marriage break-up, journey to LA + PR Career. Anth3m is the management company and working with Austin Cook (PGA), Brice Butler (NFL) and Jared Cook (NFL). Working with Shelly Long (Cheers). Travel. Solo trip to the Himalayas – plan was to have a beer NYE looking at Mt Everest… however I got altitude sickness so didn’t feel like the beer. With the elephants in the Thai jungle. Volunteer program with Elephant Nature Park. Desire to work with Leo DiCaprio - publicity role on a film and involvement in Climate Change. T