Lit To Lens

43. Season 9: Beat Generation



In this episode, the guys introduce the newest season of the podcast: The Beat Generation. What does that mean? Well, this season we'll be reading and discussing the books the shaped the Beat Generation from 1950's America. The adaptations include 'On the Road' by Jack Kerouac, 'Howl' by Allen Ginsberg, 'Big Sur' by Jack Kerouac, and 'Naked Lunch' by William S. Burroughs. The conversation ranges from why we decided to take on this season, what the significance of the Beat Generation writers, and whether or not they are the original hipsters. Listen to the episode for yourself and let us know which you enjoyed more, the book or the movie. We want to find more fine listeners like yourself, but we can't do it without your help. All you have to do is listen, rate, & review! Find us elsewhere on the internet for more content --> Twitter: @littolens Instagram: @littolens Blog: Email: