Werewolf Ambulance

Episode 155- The Exorcist (1973)



In this week's episode, we're bringing back the guestisode! We're joined by our friend Jeremy to discuss the 1973 classic, "The Exorcist." Special topics for your consideration include: what happens when you make a person who doesn't like horror movies watch "The Exorcist," is Sharon the demon?, a...ROCKY understanding of when the film "Rocky" was released, Dee Snyder, Pazuzu and a new way to answer all annoying questions.  Did you miss our other critically acclaimed films? Check out just a few of them: Episode 45- "Rosemary's Baby," Episode 54- "The Shining" and Episode 55- "Silence of the Lambs." Have you seen this one? What did you think? Let us know your thoughts at facebook.com/werewolfambulance, on Twitter @werebulance or on Instagram @werewolfambulance. You can also email us for our segment "MAILBAG!" at werewolfambulance@gmail.com and if you're feeling super generous, leave us an iTunes rating and review.  Guys, bad news: the holiday season is upon us. Good news: we've got your gift list totally figur