Werewolf Ambulance

Episode 157- The Sixth Sense (1999)



In this week's episode, we return to the oeuvre of M. Night Shyamalan where it all began-- the 1999 film "The Sixth Sense." Special topics for your consideration include: Bruce Willis fandom, brainstorming some new Guy Fieri menu selections, magic: no one likes it, ghost therapy, night lights and of course, TWISTS.  If you missed our other M. Night Shyamalan film, check out a super early episode: number 12- "The Happening." If you like movies with strange twists, you should also get into Episode 95- "April Fool's Day" and Episode 108- "The Wicker Man" remake. Have you seen this one? What did you think of it? Let us know your thoughts at facebook.com/werewolfambulance, on Twitter @werebulance or on Instagram @werewolfambulance. You can also email us for our segment "MAILBAG!" at werewolfambulance@gmail.com and if you're feeling super generous, leave us an iTunes rating and review.  Happy New Year, EMTs! We are entering our FIFTH calendar year in which we've released episodes and we feel so lucky to have had yo