Werewolf Ambulance

Episode 163- Let the Right One In (2008)



As you guys know, we like to temper our fun with the most depressing, bleak movies we can find. That said, this week we're discussing the 2008 Swedish vampire film "Let the Right One In." Special topics for your consideration include: the slightly culturally offensive game "Swedish actor or Ikea merchandise?", sadness, the necessity of having a vengeful vampire friend, bleakness, early 2000s email addresses, despair, messy eating and melancholy.  Like foreign-language horror? Check out some of our other episodes: Episode 7- "Ju-On: The Grudge," Episode 115- "Hausu" and Episode 151- "Raw." Music used in this episode includes: Europe- "The Final Countdown" (karaoke version) Have you seen this one? What about the American remake? How did you feel about it? Let us know your thoughts at facebook.com/werewolfambulance, on Twitter @werebulance or on Instagram @werewolfambulance. You can also email us for our segment "MAILBAG!" at werewolfambulance@gmail.com and if you're feeling super generous, leave us an iTunes ra