Werewolf Ambulance

Episode 219- Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957)



This week we're joined by our pal Dave to talk about a movie of his choosing: the 1957 Roger Corman vehicle "Attach of the Crab Monsters." Special topics for your consideration include: desperately trying to remember what actually happens in this movie, weird birthday plans, a man named Beach Dickerson, the anatomy of crabs, the bizarre choices that form the plot of this film and 13-9 NEVER FORGET. Into very weird movies of the 1950s and 60s? Please enjoy Episode 42- "Spider Baby," Episode 91- "The Last Man on Earth" or Episode 123- "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" or get into a good monster of the era with Episode 125- "Creature from the Black Lagoon."  Have you seen this one? What did you think? Let us know your thoughts at facebook.com/werewolfambulance, on Twitter @werebulance or on Instagram @werewolfambulance. You can also email us for our segment "MAILBAG!" at werewolfambulance@gmail.com and if you're feeling super generous, leave us an iTunes rating and review. Also, check out another excellent film-