Werewolf Ambulance

Episode 251- Se7en (1995)



As dictated by the popular vote on Twitter (@werebulance), this week we're discussing the film "Se7en." Thanks a lot guys, we feel really great right now. Special topics for your consideration include: where the hell is this movie taking place??, the acting prowess of Brad Pitt, reasons why this movie is so goddamn long, a distaste for Gwyneth Paltrow and, obvs, WHAT'S IN THE BOOOOX? Big fan of Brad Pitt? First, why? Second, check out our "Interview with a Vampire" episode, number 190. Just into serial killer horror movies? Then you may be interested in Episode 34- "Candyman," Episode 55- "Silence of the Lambs," Episode 133- "The Cell," Episode 139- "Maniac" or Episode 239- "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon." Please also go check out our YouTube companion episode for this week, in which we play a little game called "What's in the Box?" While you're there, please subscribe to our channel--you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/c/werewolfambulance And if you just can't get enough of us, you can