Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast With Chad Vice

Episode 0000012: My Good Buddy Fred Chartrand Returns



It's Fred, Fred, Fred in this Fred-o-rama special! My good buddy Fred has infiltrated the podcast this week; he's all over the intro, the guest spot, and the outro. If you liked his first episode, which was also the Nobodies Are Somebodies podcast's premiere episode, you are going to love this. And if you did not like it, you will absolutely not like this one either.  Fred talks more in depth about starting his own business and the legacy that doing so will provide for him. We also discuss a little music that we both love and he gives an award winning impression of yours truly, Chad Vice. Now how about that? This is most definitely a Fredaganza special, as he was even present with me in the Nobodies Are Somebodies podcast studio to assist with editing the episode and recording some extra content. Fred, we can't get enough of you, but after this episode, let's see other people, shall we? Kidding! Happy Easter!!