Live From Love

Episode 11 - Other People's Opinions Are None of Your Business



Are you one of those people who gets offended by what other people say?  If someone says something about you, does it hurt you?  Let me teach you why other people’s opinions are none of your business…because they aren’t actually about YOU.  It’s really about them!  And when you figure that out, it is amazingly freeing!   Show Summary   In October of last year I was introduced to a concept that changed my life.  My life coach told me that other people’s opinions were none of my business.  There was MY business, God’s Business, and other’s business.  I could control my own thoughts and behaviors, but I couldn’t control anything else, and really, it was none of my business.  And I was like….WHAT????  As a person who really tried to control as much as I possibly could, this news was life changing.  I mean…it seems like it would be common sense, but how often do we try to control and manipulate the behaviors, thoughts, and opinions of others?  But realizing how true it actually was, was incredibly freeing!  I