Live From Love

Episode 22 - Compassion & Miracles



In several scriptures in the New Testament it says that the Savior was “Moved with Compassion” and then a miracle followed.  When we have compassion for ourselves and compassion for our spouse and others, what kind of miracles will we see in our own life and around us? Play In A New Window Download Show Notes In several scriptures in the New Testament it says that the Savior was “Moved with Compassion”  The dictionary says: Moved means: to prompt or rouse to the doing of something AND Compassion means: a sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it So When it says the Savior was “Moved with Compassion” because he was a Sympathetic person He was Prompted or Roused with to do something to alleviate the distress of someone. And then if you keep reading in the scriptures when He’s moved to compassion some sort of miracle followed… So compassion for someone brought about a miracle… I talk to my clients a lot about acting from emotions that produce t