Blueprint Process With Tammi Brannan

The Final Phase of the Blueprint Process - Episode 119



This is the third follow-up podcast from my interview with Mike Brevik. I just want to flesh out a bit more of a point that he brought up in his interview that I think is so valuable: he talked about how we are not done with the process yet. He's about five or six months into the program which is actually in the last phase, the final phase of the program, so we're getting close. Today, I will talk about that phase and Mike's experience with the program. The Blueprint Process host Tammi Brannan has a unique ability to see people's potential and success clues before they do.Throughout these conversations, you'll hear people's BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal - her favorite thing) and you may even identify your BHAG while you listen. Links and Resources from this Episode For show notes, resources and additional information go to  Connect with Mike Brevik  Special Listener Gift Get a FREE 60-minute consultation with